A mindful retreat for relaxation and self-renewal.
$10.00 off for early registration.
See website for more information.
About the event
CREATE A PEACEFUL LIFE! Feb 1&2 9:00-12:30 am Saturday & Sunday.
Utilize guided meditation, imagery, literature, and connection to self, nature, soul to create more peace in day-to-day life. Take a needed relaxing break this weekend to quiet the harsh inner critic and negative feedback loops.
Email for more info Imperfectlymindfullife@gmail.com
$70.00 Fee, VENMO Payment Accepted ($10.00 discount if you register and pay before Jan. 18).
*Wear comfortable clothing, yoga mats, and meditation cushions limited, please bring your own if you have it.
Amy Roberts has been providing counseling as an LCSW in the healthcare setting since 2000. In 2018, she received her Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training. She has been conducting 6 week Mindfulness for Health Classes with cancer patients since and leads a weekly meditation with Healthy55. She understands firsthand the challenges of managing hectic workplace settings, family obligations, and self-care. Because a mindful practice has influenced Amy so much in her personal and work life, she enjoys teaching practical, everyday approaches to mindfulness and meditation